Hit and Run Bicycle Accidents in the Bay Area
Cyclists are being victimized by hit-and-run drivers in the Bay Area at an alarming rate. Across the country, hit-and-run accidents are up a horrific 60 percent since 2009. Experts are at odds as to why, but the increase is real and it shows no end in sight.
This trend is present in California and in the Bay Area, this trend is having an impact on hit-and-run auto v. bicycle crashes. In the last 10 years, hit and run bicycle fatalities have skyrocketed in the Bay Area by 42 percent.
Two Cyclists Killed Same day in Hit-and-Run Crashes in Bay Area
On Thursday, November 21, 2019, two cyclists were victims of hit-and-run accidents in two Bay Area cities, and tragically both victims died. At 5:45 a.m. a cyclist was hit in San Jose around the 1500 block of Old Bayshore Highway by a white commercial truck traveling in the same direction as the cyclist, according to witnesses. Police are still looking for the driver.
Then in the evening around 6 p.m., a cyclist was struck by a white sedan that swerved across the lane on San Juan Road just east of Garden Highway. Witnesses say they saw a cyclist and a bike laying on the road as the sedan took off.
The Difficulty with a Hit-and-Run
For the victim or the victim’s family, hit-and-run accidents cause great difficulties and increased anger and anxiety. It’s bad enough being injured after being hit by a car, but to know that the driver didn’t care enough to stop heaps more pain on the victim.
Also, right after the accident, if there are no witnesses around, then help will be delay causing even more risk to the victim.
Liability Challenges with Hit-and-Run Crashes
Another problem is getting compensation for the victim’s injuries. If the driver is never found, then it’s impossible to seek damages from the driver’s insurance company. This places the victim in the position of having to bear the financial cost of the injuries as well as the medical and emotional.
If the victim has their own auto insurance policy, and they have an uninsured/underinsured motorist’s coverage provision (UM/UIM), then they can seek compensation from their own insurance policy. However, California doesn’t require each driver to have UM/UIM, and not all drivers elect to get it.
Northern California’s Bicycle Accident Lawyers.
Bay Area Bicycle Law works with clients all over the State of California and is one of the state’s only personal injury law firms working exclusively with injured cyclists.
We handle cases in your area, and there are many benefits to working with a specialist.
Years of advocacy for bicycle crash victims have seasoned our attorneys with the necessary skills to handle bicycle accident cases with the utmost level of professional expertise. We will always offer you legal advice which is in your best interest. Contact us today for a free consultation.