Bay Area Bicycle Law, P.C. has filed a lawsuit against Uber for an Uber v. bike crash that occurred in 2019 in San Francisco. Our investigation is ongoing, but thus far our investigation indicates that an Uber driver failed to keep a proper lookout and suddenly pulled out of a parking space, striking our client’s bike and causing our client to sustain a brain injury as well as other injuries.
The Uber driver than continued driving for some distance and at least one witness has stated that it appeared the Uber driver was trying to flee the scene.
San Francisco police found that the Uber driver was at fault for unsafely operating the vehicle and failing to yield the right-of-way.
We intend to focus our investigation on what training, if any, Uber provided to the driver and what, if anything Uber has done (or not done) to try and prevent similar collisions.
We also intend to focus our investigation on to what extent the driver’s use of the Uber app on his smartphone distracted him and contributed to him failing to observe our client.
Bay Area Bicycle Law, P.C. is also representing a number of cyclists in other lawsuits who have been doored by passengers exiting Uber rides in an unsafe manner. In most of these cases, the Uber driver failed to pull the vehicle all the way to curb and instead opted to let the passengers out in the street, causing the passenger door to swing into the bicycle lane, injuring a cyclist.
We will continue to investigate what training, if any, Uber provides to its drivers and whether or not Uber is fulfilling its other obligations under the law.
As this is a matter of public interest, we will continue to post updates as information comes in about this Uber litigation.
If you or anyone you know has been injured by an Uber driver, we encourage you to call us at (415) 466-3104 for a free consultation with our team of experienced bicycle injury attorneys, or submit your information in an intake form on our website: