Fourteen-Year-Old Cyclist Killed by Hit and Run on Watt Ave

A 50-year-old man struck a teen on is bicycle knocking him off his bike and onto the hood of his car. Witnesses say that the driver drove off with the boy still on the hood of the car. The accident occurred on September 19, and police arrested the driver on Tuesday, November 13, 2018, after people came forward with descriptions of the suspect and other physical evidence.

California Highway Patrol officer Mike Zerfas said witnesses told him that he didn’t even stop to give aid to the child but rather just fled the scene. “To see one of this magnitude with no care at all is shocking to the conscience, it’s amazing someone can do that to another person,” he added.

Tragically, the teenager died in this horrific crash.

Bicycle Hit-and-Runs

Hit-and-run collisions are especially troublesome as the at-fault driver leaves the scene and increases the risks for greater injury. Typically, if a bicycle victim is injured, the driver can call for help and even render immediate aid if needed. This doesn’t happen in a hit-and-run.

What should I do If I’m the Cyclist Victim of a Hit-and-Run?

First thing to do is to accept medical aid if needed. Then get as much information as you can from the scene. Take pictures, if you can, and elicit help from any witnesses and get their information for later use.

If you were too injured at the time, then you can still take pictures of the bike and of your injuries after you’ve received medical help. This can come in handy later when making your claim.

Call the police if none showed up on the scene as they can make an official report and start an investigation.

Contact your auto insurance provider as many policies cover you if hit by another car even if you are on a bicycle. Also, then can assist you later in starting a claim against the insurance company of the driver if he or she is ever found.

Do I need an Attorney after a bicycle crash?

Not all accidents require an attorney, however, with a hit-and-run, some of the liability issues can get complicated, and you can’t rely on even your own insurance company to treat you right once you make a claim for compensation.

You should consult with an attorney after any crash resulting in a serious injury or a wrongful death.

You need an attorney that understands the laws regarding hit-and-run and bicycle collisions. The attorney’s at Bay Area Bicycle Law have the experience dealing with hit-and-run accidents, and they are the only law firm in Northern California that deals exclusively with bicycle law.

Contact the attorneys at Bay Area Bicycle Law to get someone working for you. You can call (415) 466 8717 or click here to contact us online.