Your attorney’s job is to make the entire process easier for you, while working toward securing the best settlement possible given the circumstances. Your attorney will take over the vast majority of tasks related to your claim, including: all communication with insurance companies; interviewing witnesses; obtaining a copy of the traffic collision report; reviewing applicable law; ordering, reviewing, and summarizing medical records; ordering and calculating medical bills and liens; hiring an investigator to find the driver’s insurance policy limits or other information relevant to your particular case; writing a settlement demand; conducting settlement negotiations; reviewing and, if necessary, negotiating any settlement release you may be required to sign; filing a lawsuit with the court, if necessary; conducting the discovery process, including through written and in-person (or over Zoom) questioning of the driver and witnesses, if a lawsuit is filed; negotiating lien reductions with your health insurance or medical providers in order to guarantee that you keep as much of your settlement as possible, and; keeping you apprised of any significant updates in your case.