While there are many factors that go into whether a cyclist receives a fair settlement, there are a few things nearly everyone can do after a crash to increase the likelihood of a fair settlement. For instance, it is important to carefully document your injuries, and get any medical treatment that you need. Take pictures […]
It is impossible to predict with any accuracy how long it will take for your claim to settle, as many variables outside our control affect the resolution of your claim. Normally, we recommend waiting until you have completely recovered before negotiating a settlement. After you have completed treatment, we order all your medical records, medical […]
The insurance company needs to understand how the accident occurred, what your injuries are, how those injuries affected you, and who you are as a person. The insurance company will not take anything you say at face value. They are looking for objective evidence of your injuries. This means documentation from third parties. If you […]
It is usually a bad idea to try to settle your own claim and only retain an attorney if it cannot be resolved, because you can unintentionally harm your own case. Dealing with insurance companies can be complicated and difficult. Insurance companies are for-profit and do not make money from paying out claims. Most individuals […]
Absolutely not! If you contact the driver’s insurance company, for any reason, you could ruin your entire case with one question or one statement. If you have already retained an attorney in your case, it is entirely unnecessary for you to contact or speak with the insurance company; your attorney should be handling that for […]