California law considers bikes to be a vehicle for purposes of traffic codes and rights-of-way (CVC 21200), and another law requires all vehicles to stop for school buses when the bus is stopped and the red lights are flashing.
Many cyclists have heard that a bike can ride in the street with the cars under some circumstances, but they may not know that they are required to follow all the rules of the road the same as any motor vehicle. This means stopping for a school bus that is letting off or picking up kids.
Passing a Stopped School Bus
If a cyclist passes a stopped school bus, the police can issue a ticket the same as any other vehicle. This means that a fine can be assessed for up to $250 for a first conviction, $500 for second and $1,000 for third, and on the third one, the license can be suspended for a year.
For motor vehicle drivers, this also can mean a point on the person’s driver’s license which will also trigger increased insurance costs. If a driver gets 4 points in a year, 6 in 2 years or 8 in 3 years, their license is suspended.
Cyclists and Driver’s License Points
If a cyclist gets a ticket, the court can report that to the DMV which will add one or two points onto the person’s driving record. However, CVC 1803 allows the court to use their discretion to report the violation to the DMV. So to find out if your ticket is going to cost you license points and subsequently an increase in your auto insurance, you need to contact the clerk of court at the court where your ticket was heard.
Injured? Contact a Specialist.
Bay Area Bicycle Law works with clients all over the State of California and is one of the state’s only personal injury law firms working exclusively with injured cyclists. We handle cases in your area, and there are many benefits to working with a specialist.
Contact us today for a free consultation by email or by calling 866-bicycle-law (866-242-9253). Years of advocacy for bicycle crash victims have seasoned our attorneys with the necessary skills to handle bicycle accident cases with the utmost level of professional expertise. We will always offer you legal advice which is in your best interest.