JUMP Scooters Coming to Sacramento February 2019

People living in California’s capital will now have the opportunity to try out one of the nation’s hottest new transportation devices: e-scooters. The company Jump, which is owned by ride-sharing giant Uber, recently sent 100 e-scooters to Downtown and West Sacramento on February 8, 2019.

News of this e-scooter launch isn’t such a shock considering Jump has already released hundreds of e-bikes throughout Sacramento since May of 2018. Just like Jump’s e-bikes, these e-scooters will be painted a distinctive red with a white “JUMP” logo.

All of these new e-scooters will cost 15 cents per minute and travel no faster than 15 mph. To unlock these e-scooters, users will need to have the Uber app downloaded on their phone.

Unlike in other cities, the e-scooters in Sacramento will not be dockless. All Jump e-scooters must be placed in a designated docking area when customers are done using them.

According to The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento officials hope that by setting up these docking areas they will avoid safety issues that have plagued other US cities. One of the major issues many cities have had with e-scooters has to do with safety.

Oftentimes e-scooter users leave their devices in hazardous areas such as on sidewalks. Many pedestrians with disabilities have complained about e-scooters getting in their way, and some people have even taken to vandalizing the devices.

A newly released study out of UCLA found that more e-scooter riders in LA visited the emergency room than bicyclists or pedestrians between 2017 and 2018. Most of these 249 e-scooter injury cases had some type of head trauma.

According to this study, only about 10 percent of those who visited the emergency room were wearing helmets at the time of their crash. Under California law, only people under the age of 18 are required to wear helmets on e-scooters.

Ahead of the release of e-scooters in Sacramento, lawmakers put together an ordinance that would require Jump to pay the city for every e-scooter that’s rented and for scooters that are improperly parked. All of the money Sacramento receives will go into creating more bike racks.

Jump executives say they aren’t satisfied with the ordinance as it’s currently written, but they hope to come to a more manageable agreement with city officials. In the meantime, Jump will be able to operate in the city so long as it keeps to its original permit. In this permit, it’s required that all Jump vehicles be parked in designated racks throughout Sacramento.

To learn more about Jump e-scooters, please visit the company’s official website at http://jump.com/.