Fresno Cyclist Killed in Collision with Vehicle

A 60-year-old man was riding his bike Monday night in Fresno and was struck and killed by a motorist. According to a witness at the scene, the cyclist was traveling east on West Olive Avenue and was in the crosswalk when a vehicle going north on Golden State Boulevard and stuck the cyclist.

Police say that the driver stopped to help and was cooperating. He told the officer at the scene that the man entered the crosswalk against a red light and rode in the path of his car. The cyclist was declared dead at the scene, and police are investigating the incident to see if any charges will be filed.

Intersections and Bicycles

In California, there were fewer traffic deaths in 2017 from previous years, however, cyclists’ deaths were on the rise. Experts attribute this to an increase in popularity of commuting via bicycle. With the stress of increasing traffic congestion and high the cost of fuel, many Californians are turning to bicycles to get to work.

Some of the deadliest places for bicycle accidents are at intersections. Many of these in Fresno have crosswalks and even bike lanes leading up the intersection. However, intersection collisions still plague cyclists leading to serious injuries and death.

Under California law, a cyclist walking their bike has the right-of-way in an intersection if there lawfully. This means that if there is a traffic light, the cyclist must not enter the intersection against the light. However, the law also places with each motorist the duty to proceed in caution when approaching an intersection.

Thus if the motorist was distracted, speeding or doing anything that would prevent him or her from seeing a cyclist or pedestrian in the cross walk, then the motorist might be in violation of the law even if he or she had the green light.

What to do if You’re Injured while Riding Your Bike

If you are struck by a motorist while crossing the street at an intersection, or anywhere else, it would be good to speak to someone who can advise you. Fresno cyclists benefit from talking to a specialist who understands bicycle law and personal injury and can advise you.

The attorneys at Bay Area Bicycle Law have the experience dealing with hit-and-run accidents, and they are the only law firm in Northern California that deals exclusively with bicycle law. Call Bay Area Bicycle Law to get someone working for you. You can call (415) 466 8717 or click here to contact us online.