Driver Wanted in Fatal Hit and Run Bicycle Crash in Rodeo, CA

A hit-and-run crash in Rodeo claimed the life of one cyclist on July 23, 2018. California Highway Patrol (CHP) is still looking for the driver involved in this fatal collision.

According to the East Bay Times, this crash happened before 7:20PM on San Pablo Avenue near the 2000 block. Both the cyclist and pickup truck involved in this crash were headed west. Allegedly, the pickup truck struck a cyclist and then quickly drove away from the scene in the direction of Merchant Street. Tragically, the cyclist had died from his injuries.

Police say the dark pickup truck involved in this crash possibly has damage on the right side and/or on the front of the vehicle. Anyone with more information on this crash is encouraged to call CHP at (925) 646-4980.

Hit-And-Run Fatalities On The Rise

A shocking 2018 report from AAA shows the hit-and-run crashes are on the rise across the USA. AAA analysts found that there were almost 2,050 traffic fatalities due to hit-and-runs in 2016. That’s a 60 percent rise in US hit-and-run fatalities since 2009.

The majority of people killed in hit-and-run accidents were either cyclists or pedestrians. These two groups accounted for 65 percent of total hit-and-run fatalities. Believe it or not, 20 percent of all pedestrian fatalities were caused by hit-and-run crashes.

To address this growing concern, AAA recommends drivers slow down in areas with higher foot-traffic and to always yield to pedestrians and cyclists. Areas drivers should be extra cautious in include intersections, bus stops, and around schools. AAA also made it clear that it’s a driver’s responsibility to call 911 if s/he does get involved in a crash. Remaining on the scene and calling for emergency help could literally save a crash victim’s life.

Bay Area Bicycle Law Can Help After A Hit-And-Run

If you’ve been injured in a hit-and-run bicycle crash or a rear-end bicycle crash, it is important to speak to an attorney who focuses on cyclists. Bay Area Bicycle Law is the only personal injury law firm in northern California exclusively handling bicycle accidents.

Anyone who has had a loved one killed in a bicycle crash should also be aware of what is a called a “wrongful death claim”. You can read about wrongful death claims for cyclists here.

Even if the police can’t catch the negligent driver in your hit-and-run case, get a consultation with one of our lawyers. Your initial consultation with BABL is free and confidential, so never hesitate to give us a call at (415) 466-8717. We will only advise you of options which are in your best interest.