Cyclist Killed after Collision on K and Park Ave


A man on a bicycle riding eastbound on West Avenue K near Park Ave collided with a car that was traveling eastbound alongside the cyclist. The driver stopped to help the cyclist, but unfortunately, he died after being transported to the hospital.  According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office, the deputy on the scene did not suspect impaired or distracted driving.


The Danger of Blind Spots

Although it’s unknown if the driver’s blind spot played a roll in the accident on Avenue K, blind spots can create unique dangers for cyclists. A blind spot is an area around a vehicle that cannot be directly observed by the driver while at the controls, under existing circumstances. This means that even if the driver is driving at safe speeds, is awake, not distracted or impaired, he or she might still not be aware of a vehicle when making a turn or lane change.


How to Eliminate Blind Spots

For vehicle drivers, there are two primary ways to eliminate or greatly reduce blind spots. One is to increase your field of vision from your mirrors. To do this, you can install blind spot mirrors or adjust the vehicle’s standard mirrors to increase the driver’s field of view around the car. The second way is to know where your blind spots are on your vehicle and visually check them as you drive. Click on the links shown to see what the experts say about reducing blind spots.

As a cyclists, you can’t really eliminate blind spots on vehicles, but you can avoid being in them. The best way is to always ride defensively and be aware of when you enter a car’s blind spot, and then adjust your speed or position to get out it as soon as possible. According to the experts at the Bicycle Network, blind spots most often occur to the side and rear of a vehicle, but this is different for each vehicle and for trucks and buses. Click here to see some of the typical blind spot locations.


Who’s at Fault in a Blind Spot Collision?

Generally speaking, it is the duty of every driver to operate his or her vehicle so that others can proceed safely. The law requires that each driver take reasonable measures to operate safely. For blind spots, this means that if a driver moves over without checking the vehicle’s blind spot, that driver is likely at fault.

But what if the driver did check and still didn’t see the other person? This get’s tricky, and it all comes back to the idea of taking reasonable steps to ensure other’s safety. If you’ve been injured while riding your bike in a blind spot accident, then the best thing to do-after you’ve taken care of immediate medical needs-is to talk to an attorney about your circumstances. You need one that is knowledgeable in bicycle law, rights-of-way and blind spots. At Bay Area Bike Law, we know the laws regarding bicycles, in fact, we are the only law firm in Northern California that deals exclusively with bicycle law.

We have years of experience representing clients in all sorts of bicycle related injuries including those cause by drivers who “didn’t see the cyclist” because they were in their blind spot. The insurance company is going to do its best to push the fault on you for not riding safely and riding in their driver’s blind spot, but don’t let them. Call us and we’ll stand up to them for you and get you the compensation you deserve.

To start putting someone on your side, call us (415) 466 8717 or click here to contact us online. If you still wonder if we’re the right firm for you or even if you need an attorney at all, read this this for help in answering these questions.