CHP Investigating Crash in Redbluff

The California Highway Patrol in Red Bluff, California is currently investigating a bicycle v. auto crash in the Corning area that took place on November 8th, 2021. According to initial reports, the incident took place on Highway 99W north of Orangewood Road. 36-year-old Jose Luis Ramirez was riding a bicycle in the middle of the highway’s southbound lane around 8:15 p.m. and was struck by a 2001 Dodge Ram driven by Weston Flynn.

We want to emphasize that these are just initial reports, and the original source of the information is currently unknown to us. Bay Area Bicycle Law is attempting to gather additional information. It also appears likely that the cyclist was initially unable to provide a statement to the CHP after the crash (and it is unknown whether his side of the story has yet been received) and so the information gathered so far may very well be incomplete.

According to CHP, the driver tried to avoid the impact, but reportedly was unable to do so. Also, per the CHP, the cyclist was under the influence of alcohol. However, the basis for this statement in currently unknown (whether it is based on medical evidence, circumstantial evidence, etc.). CHP reports the cyclist suffered major injuries and was transported by ambulance to St. Elizabeth Community Hospital in Red Bluff.

We encourage everyone, CHP included, to keep an open mind as to the causes of this crash. Too often we have seen investigators jump to conclusions before all statements and evidence has been gathered.