Bicycle Crash with Santa Maria Area Transit Bus

On Monday, April 2, 2018, a cyclist in Santa Maria was involved in a collision with a Santa Maria Area Transit Bus. The cyclist was severely injured and airlifted by CalStar to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital.

According to KSBY, the crash took place in the bike lane at the corner of Caballero Ln. and McCoy Ln.

After a bus accident

We hope that no cyclists reading this ever are involved with an accident with a bus. While we can’t speculate on the above accident, a bus driver could be negligent if they are distracted or not carefully watching out for cyclists in bike lanes and hit a cyclist. Of course, a cyclist is no match for a huge bus.

After a bus accident, injured people should know that they may have special time limits on filing injury claims. If the bus is a public entity in California, you likely have 6 months from the date of the crash to file the initial claim. If this special notice isn’t made you may not be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit. Unfortunately, even if you (properly) file the injury claim, it will most likely be denied and you will be forced to file a personal injury lawsuit to be properly compensated for your injuries.

If you have been involved in an accident involving First Transit, Breeze Bus or Santa Maria Area Transit (SMAT) you will definitely want to speak to an attorney and at least discover all of your legal options.

About Bay Area Bicycle Law

At Bay Area Bicycle Law, we are the only firm in Northern California to specialize exclusively in representing cyclists. With very few exceptions, bike crash cases are all we do. We have been doing them for years, and so we have a lot of experience with the laws, the processes, and the potential outcomes for your case.

Not every law firm you interact with with specialize in bicycle accidents like we do. That isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker; however, you typically do not want to be someone’s first bike crash case. It is better to find a lawyer who has worked on a case like yours before, and who has access to information and experience that will help them serve you better.

Contact us right away after any bus accident anywhere in northern California for a free consultation and case evaluation.