The legal process can feel scary, especially if you have never been through a personal injury case before. A personal injury attorney who has been through the process many times should be able to guide you through the process and ease your worry – but knowing an overview of the process can also be helpful. […]
By Michael Stephenson A.B. 122 – a bill which has passed the California assembly and may soon be voted on in the California Senate – would legalize the so-called California roll or California stop. The Senate Committee on Transportation Digest on the bill reads: “This bill permits a person riding a bicycle approaching a stop sign […]
Many people do not realize how commonly and effectively defense attorneys use information from social media to reduce the settlements that insurance companies have to pay out. If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident, there are a number of steps you should take to preserve the value of your case. Calling a bicycle accident […]
Bay Area Bicycle Law, P.C. has filed a lawsuit against Uber for an Uber v. bike crash that occurred in 2019 in San Francisco. Our investigation is ongoing, but thus far our investigation indicates that an Uber driver failed to keep a proper lookout and suddenly pulled out of a parking space, striking our client’s […]
Bike theft is a big problem in the Bay Area – as it is in most cities – with several thousand bikes being stolen each year in San Francisco alone. Although we do not commonly represent clients who have been the victim of bicycle theft (we are personal injury attorneys who represent injured cyclists, usually […]
At Bay Area Bicycle Law, we get to advocate for bicyclists and help injured cyclists secure justice every day. But the downside of getting to do this work is having to see just how many people are injured in bike crashes. Over the past year, as COVID caused a surge in bicycle ridership and a […]
Often in personal injury claims, testimony from an expert witness is needed. An expert witness is a person who has special training, education, and/or experience that can help your attorney prove certain aspects of your case. Expert witnesses are in contrast to lay witnesses – who do not have special training, but can provide information […]